Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Scarlet Fever

Levi has been really sick so we called a dear Doctor friend on Sunday and he said Levi has Scarlet Fever. He prescribed some antibiotic and Levi is doing Much better. THANKS DOC!! Some of the symptoms to look for . . .

-High Fever
-Sore Throat
-Red Mouth
-Swollen tongue
-Rosie Cheeks
-His voice sounded different because his throat was sore
-Little bumps all over the legs

. . .Tis the Season! I hope you don't get this.



Tasha said...

Well Happy New Year to you!! No better way to ring in the new year than with Scarlet fever!!!! Levi has never brought anything boring to the table....Why start now?!? I hope he gets better soon though!! Look at it this least he waited until after Christmas. What a good boy!!

Michelle said...

How did I know Tasha would be the first one to comment. She is a crazy woman. I am so sorry he was sick. Poor little guy. I hope he is feeling better. Love you, Gooch

Amie said...

Am I a hypochondriac if Derek wakes up with rosy cheeks and I wonder if he has Scarlet Fever? haha I know these blogs make us feel a lot closer, but you can't catch things through them, right?;) I'm glad Levi is getting better with the meds. Did you have fun with Trav and Dad? Did you take any pics of them in funny hats?

Company EIGHT said...

I'm sorry he's been sick, but so glad he's on the mend!

Tasha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tasha said...

Amie poses a great question....can you get it through blogging?!?hehe
By the way I accidently erased my own comment! NICE!

one busy mom said...

So glad he's doing better. Look, I'm finally leaving a comment! I'm trying to do better at this.